Clinic talks about their experience after treating over 1400 ultrashape customers
Here is what a European clinic is saying about Ultrashape.
"Yes customers overall are happy."
"Seeing is believing " Posted by bv July 2007
Our institute is one of the world's mosts experienced Ultrashape centers since we started offering it to the public back in 2005. We have a database of about 1500 cases now. Are most people satisfied ? The answer is yes if they meet the correct profile AND perform MULTIPLE sessions. I am sick of seeing ULtrashape being advertised as a one pass solution, it is not.In Holland some doc has almost destroyed the good name of Ultrashape by offering the treatment as a weight loss methode, unbelievable! Ultrashape will NOT make anyone loose significant weight, in fact fat is very light. Ultrashape works, period. I was convinced by their own research, and now we have a collection of records that shows a reduction in cm with no weight loss which can only be explained by the fact that fat cells are gone.Yes, there is a circumference change in almost every woman during the same month. This change however is noted in the abdom area. So how to explain cm loss at the thighs?
How come woman are telling us they are fitting in pants that they could not fit into for years despite the fact that they have not lost weight? Are they hallucinating? No, facts are facts. On the other hand I have never ever seen so many clinical studies by any treatment. Why would a company go to such great lenghts as to proof their method?Because they know that the machine they invented is NOT going to be very welcomed by the medical community ! Would you like to have a machine replacing your liposuction practice? No because it would mean loss of income, period. Let those who do not believe not stand in the way of those making progress. "
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KNBC story Woman Performed Illegal Lipo, Tummy Tucks, Police Say

POSTED: July 28, 2007
BLOOMINGTON, Calif. -- A local beauty salon owner has been arrested in connection with allegedly performing illegal plastic surgery.
Authorities raided the Diamond Cut salon in Bloomington and two residences. The investigation began in April.
A 39-year-old woman who is not a licensed physician was allegedly performing cosmetic procedures, including liposuction and tummy tucks, according to police.
There was also evidence found in a mobile home that led investigators to believe the woman was performing plastic surgery there, police said.
Liposuction alternative - why get surgery when you do not need it?
Ultrashape is great, and the upcoming true solution for us who want results, lose the stomach, but do not want surgery.
I had 2 treatments, and have lost 2 inches per treatment around my waist. It was totally painless, too easy. I was not sure if it would work for me, and it sure did. Go to ultrashape.com for all the details, before and after pictures, scientific information, etc.
Here is an article and picture about Ultrashape from the Daily mail paper in England in early April that says how this liposuction alternative works and a few doctors' comments -
This liposcution alternative Ultrashape is available in 44 countries including Prague, Argentina, South Africa, Tijuana, Paris, Vancouver Canada, Toronto, Cancun, and Monterrey Mexico, London. It is not available in the USA as of Aug 2007.
Bon chance, good luck. I did research it for a long while. Good luck in researching this new non surgical option. It is very new, ask your doctor what they think. My doctor said it was okay for me to try it, and wanted me to be the guinea pig if it did work. And now . . . . they are happy for me that it just worked. Ultrashape may come to the USA this year, maybe next year.
. . Site meter is now down. Sorry level3.net Seal beach Calif. internet user I took down the site meter. Maybe you can find something else to do daily?
Here are some sample Ultrashape blogs -
Dr. Howell.net
Ultrashape en espanol -http://ultrashape.clinicaplanas.com/
View a blog that discusses weight loss, dieting, health, etc, by category, that may be helpful, and has a pic of Bart Simpson, click - http://www.imsickofbeingfat.com/forum/5989-ultrashape.html and http://www.imsickofbeingfat.com
Check out http://medgadget.com/archives/plastic_surgery/ January 17, 2007
UltraShape: More Non-Invasive Liposuction It seems that the market for non-invasive, non-suction, liposuction continues to pick up steam with the release of the UltraShape. This device is similar to the LipoSonix because they both utilize focused high intensity ultrasound to disrupt subcutaneous adipose tissue, and both appear to have scientifically sound research to support their claims. However, the UltraShape has added an "optical tracking and guidance system" for improved outcomes.
Feel free to leave a comment or suggestion! I like new technologies.
Here are some links about Ultrashape . . .
This blog has many comments from different customers
The post entitled seeing is believing is from an office who has had over 1500 people who have had Ultrashape . . . .
Seeing is believing"Posted by bverotti 8 July at 21:17
Dear, I wonder why we have not been invited to the conference. After all our institute. is one of the world's mosts experienced Ultrashape centers since we started offering it to the public back in 2005. We have a database of about 1500 cases now. Are most people satisfied ? The answer is yes if they meet the correct profile AND perform MULTIPLE sessions. I am sick of seeing ULtrashape being advertised as a one pass solution, it is not. In Holland some doc has almost destroyed the good name of Ultrashape by offering the treatment as a weight loss methode, unbelievable ! Ultrashape will NOT make anyone loose significant weight, in fact fat is very light.Ultrashape works, period. I was convinced by their own research, and now we have a collection of records that shows a reduction in cm with no weight loss which can only be explained by the fact that fat cells are gone. Yes, there is a circumference change in almost every woman during the same month. This change however is noted in the abdom area. So how to explain cm loss at the thighs ? How come woman are telling us they are fitting in pants that they could not fit into for years despite the fact that they have not lost weight? Are they hallucinating ?No, facts are facts. On the other hand I have never ever seen so many clinical studies by any treatment. Why would a company go to such great lenghts as to proof their method? Because they know that the machine they invented is NOT going to be very welcomed by the medical community ! Would you like to have a machine replacing your liposuction practice ? No because it would mean loss of income, period.Let those who do not believe not stand in the way of those making progress.
Here is a woman from the Phillipines talks about her experience getting a treatment . .
Scroll down to ultrashape. She says . . . .
THE ULTRASHAPE SOLUTIONBy Kage Gozun (published in Metro Magazine, March 2007 issue)
"You know how this goes. After months of exercising and eating properly, you’ve still got that last little hump to get over before achieving your ideal body shape. Sometimes it’s those last stubborn five pounds. Other times it’s those final few inches that just refuse to budge.
Well, hard-working woman, be frustrated no more! A new treatment has been introduced that promises to re-shape your body without the hassle and stress of traditional yet invasive procedures such as liposuction. The treatment is called UltraShape, after the company that patented the technique. The technology that drives UltraShape is a patented machine that uses therapeutic ultrasound waves. These waves target specific fat deposits and fat cells in the stomach, flanks and saddlebags. It breaks down fat cells in these problematic areas without damaging the tissue in nearby areas of the body. Afterwards, the body’s natural flow processes the fat through the liver.
UltraShape is painless, requires no recuperation time and doesn’t take more than two hours per session. The contouring treatment is revolutionary and continues to expand their scope and market. To date there are over 100 clinics in 35 countries around the world that offer it. In the Philippines, it is the Marie-France Bodyline International chain that has added UltraShape to their menu.
Finding answers
On a mission, I checked out the Marie-France clinic in Makati to sit down with their doctors and discover more about this seemingly “too-good-to-be-true” procedure. Doctor Hajji Palaruan and consultant Evelyn Meriales took me on a tour of the facilities, where we came upon somebody in the middle of an UltraShape session. And it turned out that this “client” is actually another doctor of Marie-France.
In fact, many of the staff have tried the treatment and are living testimonies to its effectiveness. Of course, explains Doctor Palaruan, you cant expect miraculous results if you aren’t a “good patient” afterwards. Essentially this means no salty, oily and creamy food for at least four days after the treatment. Also, a change in lifestyle is needed in order to maintain the sexy new body that you’re sporting around. The ultrasound waves may have destroyed the fat cells but that doesn’t mean you wont get fat again if you insist on chowing down on fast-food. The fat may return, just in different areas of the body not treated with UltraShape.
UltraShape can show results after even just one procedure although the recommended standard treatment is four sessions spanning a phase of four months.
Doctor Palaruan also clarified that this is not a solution for everyone. There are certain restrictions for would-be patients of UltraShape. “UltraShape is more of contouring the body so it is not offered to obese patients. It will not have a significant effect (on them). We treat them with other treatments before we can offer them UltraShape. We also can not give this to patients who are too thin. And because the fat that is disrupted from the fat cells is processed by the liver, we can not give the treatment to clients with liver diseases.”
Also on the blacklist for UltraShape are people with wound-healing or coagulation problems, cancer patients, expectant mothers, and those with pacemakers and metal prostheses.
The procedure is currently only available for the stomach, flanks and saddlebags because the device used to deliver the ultrasound waves (known as a transducer) is too bulky to use on smaller portions of the human body such as the arms and inner thighs. As of press time, clinical studies are in the works on a smaller transducer."